Passionately Leading The Agri & Food Industry
Our Group is comprised of the following divisions:
Supplies products and renders services to producers.
Processing of various raw commodities into food products.
Procurement, production, packaging and supply of health foods.
We are committed to being the operating and investment partner of choice in the Southern African agricultural and food value chain that creates a legacy of long-term sustainable value for all stakeholders.
BAOBAB GROUP is a leading South African, vertically integrated agriculture and food group with a hundred year legacy. Our divisions consist of agricultural inputs and services, fresh fruit, food processing, health foods and strategic investments. Our team possesses a unique combination of investment and operational expertise in the agricultural and food value chain and are passionate to lead the industry.
Unique combination of operational and investment expertise in the agricultural and food sectors to drive organic and acquisitive growth. Proven approach to drive achievement of the potential of our businesses
Baobab Group delivers agronomy services .Close attention to detail and appropriate employment of precision farming techniques ensure that we make best use of the latest technology and procedures in a bid to optimise yields, minimise waste and reduce our environmental footprint.
Due to the predominantly heavy nature of the soils farmed in Africa, control of blackgrass has proved quite challenging and costly in recent years We maintain a high focus on blackgrass control,
Part of the strategy has been to widen the rotation, which now extends to five years: wheat/barley/oilseed rape/wheat beans, with the possibility of spring varieties of each crop being sown (except oilseed rape) to improve blackgrass control or to attract market premiums.
All fields are tested regularly for P,K, Mg and pH using a GPS aided grid system, allowing soil index contour maps to be created. From these fertiliser and lime is applied variably as needed.
Soils are also regularly tested for organic matter content with the aim to improve or at least maintain levels. On the most recent testing, the values ranged from just under 3% on the lightest soil types to almost 7% on the heavier soils, or those with a history of manure applications.
Soils types across the BFC acreage are now being mapped, as it can be extremely variable within fields. This variability impacts on crop establishment, meaning that a single rate for drilling is not the most efficient.
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As a team of experienced farmers and farm managers, we offer a range of arable contracting services from specific operations to stubble-to-stubble packages or whole farm management.
To find out how you can be part of our dynamic, innovative and growing business and to increase efficiency in your crop production.